
Garden Beauties!

We're happy these two lovely ladies paused a moment from their work to have some fun for the camera. Stop by sometime to see what all their hard work has produced. Linda has outfitted our new herb dryer with shelves and Madi has filled the greenhouse with seedlings for our final Project Grow pick up this week.

Last summer, students from the Oasis Center worked in partnership with The Frist Center to make this beautiful art installation that hangs over the refugee toolshed at our Wedgewood Urban Gardens. Some of the students continue to volunteer weekly in the garden and are proud to show their artwork to their peers from the International Teen Outreach Program.

McGruder garden is ready for spring!

Thanks to these ladies for contributing their artwork to the McGruder Community Garden. This space is now truly full of life in many senses of the word!

Thanks to these students from Glencliff High School for volunteering in the garden. They worked hard to dig a new plot in the orchard, and the community gardeners have since planted it with potatoes!

After planting spring crops and working together to get seed potatoes in the ground, the McGruder Green Thumbers gathered around picnic tables to relax and enjoy a delicious lunch.